Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 3, 2014

That's right, tomorrow marks exactly 2 months of being on a mission, and that includes the time I spent in the MTC (not like I'm counting or anything). It's very strange, because every day feels like a week, but every week feels like a day. But these past to months have felt like a year. Ugh. Anyway!

With another month gone, that means it's time to bear a simple testimony about what I've learned since last month. I've been thinking long and hard about this one, but I've decided to talk about how everything happens for a reason. I decided this because of something I heard at the beginning of this month time period, to something I actually thought about last night. It started with a trainee/trainer meeting we had back toward the beginning of January. President Craven took all of us new guys and seperated us from our trainers and gave addresses to both. One thing he told us really stuck out to me and it is this: Over the past decade, baptisms here in the south have plateaued. Not decreasing but not increasing either. This worries the first presidency and the quorum of the twelve immensely. Because of this, they are super careful with who they send here. That jumped out to me because if anyone talked to me about a week before I left they would know I had no idea why I was going on a mission. Every thought I had about it beforehand went out the window and I was freaking out. Knowing that my call here was selected very carefully doesn't tell me what my purpose here is yet, but it certainly strengthened the desire I've always had to find it. I was sent here for a reason, and likewise everything else happens for a reason. We went out with a member this past week and one of our appointments fell through. We were about to go home but then we started talking to a family outside in the parking lot (it was in an apartment complex) and five minutes later we were in their living room talking to them about the restoration. They weren't very receptive, and asked all the hard questions, such as why women can't have the priesthood. We went back the next day and they weren't totally interested anymore. But Brother Cunningham's spirit was strengthened after that first visit, and ultimately that's why we talked to them.

So now this thought I had last night. It starts with a scripture in 2Nephi chapter 26. At the end of verse 15 it says: "...and all those who have dwindled in unbelief shall not be forgotten" and then 16 talks about voices from the dust of the earth speaking to people. These verses really talk about the Book of Mormon, the voices of the prophets talking to those who don't believe. I think it talks about something different. Before I continue, remember this is all my own theory and there isn't a lot of scriptural evidence save for the scripture I already shared. Anyway, I've heard a lot of people talk about the spirit world co-existing with our world. That explains sights of "ghosts", where the veil could be thinner in some spots, or possibly just a wrinkle in it. This would explain why people say they hear or see their loved ones telling them to do their temple work, which is what I think that scripture means. "and all those who have dwindled in unbelief shall not be forgotten". I do believe in guardian angels. I do believe those who loved you still love you, and with God's will can communicate with us. My grandmother passed away when I was about 3 years old or so. I know she helps and strengthens me all the time, as well as others in her life she loved. I know because of recent things happening at home that would otherwise make me want to give up, anywhere from my family not having enough money to have TV to my neighbor dying. But I'm here for a reason. I don't know what it is but there is one. That's my testimony this month.

Anyway, that's all for this week.
-Elder Matthew Gardner

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